Tuesday, May 31, 2016

#MayWritingChallenge Final Report.

And we're back for the final report of the May edition of Twitter's Monthly Writing Challenge!

I officially wrapped up the month with writing 3 comic book scripts and ready to roll on to #JuneWritingChallenge with a new hashtag leader (check out the website for more). But I made an unexpected turn in my writing. When I was finishing the third (and supposedly the final chapter) of my comic mini-series, it was turning into a four issue story. As mentioned earlier this month, I broke my story down and reworked it from scratch because of it not being what I expected thanks to the input from my writing group. So for next month I'm going to write the conclusion.

And now for the Week 4 results:

Day 22-Finished the second part of the story with the final word count of 3,628.

Day 23-No writing. I had to take the day off so I can come back to the story with a fresh mind.

Day 24-Started strong with 521 words. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Day 25-Written 776 words in fifteen minutes. Slow start but I won't argue with myself on that number.

Day 26-Pushed it with only an hour and thirty minutes (90 minutes) on the keyboard.

Day 27-1 hour of writing.

Day 28-Wrapped up the writing session with 1,537 words after a 30 minute sprint.

Day 29-Another 90 minute session.

Day 30-The finish line at 2,476 words for comic book #3! Boo-yah, baby!

 The whole month has been fun and unexpected. I made a crucial decision for my story and faced a turnout that came out of the blue. What rewriting the whole book has taught me is that you'll be making tough calls for the sake of art, and to not be afraid to change it to something different if it's not working. As a whole, we artists had to tear down a project to make it work after a number of times it feels like it's not working or it needs something different to put it on the right track. That's a given notion.

All right, I got some plotting and words to write. Check out the Twitter Monthly Writing Challenge for details on how to join on their website. It'll be a fun experience, I'll tell ya what.

1 Love!

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